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          天緣知識 > 生活 > 正文


          2024-01-10 13:57 來源:天緣知識 點擊:


          一,天氣很熱 想找個人冷戰。

          It’s hot. Looking for someone to fight.

          二,寧可在空調房里哭 也不在風扇下笑。

          Would rather cry in an air-conditioned room than laugh under a fan.

          三,這么熱的天氣 能約出去的都是生死之交。

          It is the turn of life and death that can be asked out in such hot weather.

          四,從今天開始 我不是單身狗了 我是熱狗

          Starting today, I’m not a single dog. I’m a hot dog

          五,拌個涼菜得趕緊吃 要不一會就變成麻辣燙。

          If you mix a cold dish, you have to eat it quickly or it will become hot spicy.

          六,化了一個小時的妝 打開門素顏了。

          I’ve been wearing makeup for an hour. I opened the door.

          七,這天那么熱 男朋友跟別人跑了 我都不想追

          It’s such a hot day. My boyfriend ran off with someone else. I don’t even want to chase him


          Is it hot? Don’t you miss summer to death


          Pull the shi for two minutes and wipe the sweat for two hours


          I always remember the summer wind clearly saying it was going to heat me up.

          十一,我們不認識沒關系 這天這么熱 過小會兒我們就熟了.

          We don’t know each other. It’s okay. It’s so hot. We’ll know each other in a little while.

          十二,天氣好熱 感覺自己像烤盤上行走的滋滋的肥肉.

          It’s so hot. I feel like fat walking on a baking sheet.

          十三,天要再這么熱下去 我冰淇淋的身份都快被曝光了.

          If it gets this hot again, my ice cream identity is about to be exposed.

          十四,請問有霸道總裁嗎 聽說那玩意會自動降低周圍的溫度.

          Excuse me, is there an overbearing president? I heard that thing will automatically lower the surrounding temperature.


          It’s time to fry eggs overhead again

          十七,打敗我的不是天真 是天真熱.

          It wasn’t the innocence that beat me. It was the heat.


          Make your boyfriend swear to love you forever, it’s really too hot

          十九,在嗎 我是女媧 我要熱死了 現在給我買個雪糕 我給你捏個對象

          Are you there? I’m Nuwa. I’m dying of heat. Now buy me an ice cream. I’ll make you an object


          “disciple, is there a mountain of fire ahead? ” “No, the front is Guangdong

          二十一,夏天的我,在沒有空調 風扇的情況下,熱的會暴走

          Summer me, in the absence of air-conditioning fans, the heat will run away


          Wash your hair every day, wash your hair with hot water and hot, have a headache with cold water, and dry to death


          It’s time to go to the bathroom and sweat again
